Wednesday, May 19, 2010


oh..pantang aku suh tag...da tag yer dikna..ok i try my best.. heheh
check it up

Rules And Regulation:

1 ~ it’s harder than it looks,
2 ~ copy this to your own notes,
3 ~ erase my answer
4 ~ enter yours,
5 ~ tag twenty (20) people
6 ~ use the first letter of your name to answer
each of the following questions,
7 ~ they have to be real, nothing made up if the person
before u had the same first initial, u must use different answer

what is your name:
Farahhhh.. oh no..ssh tu nk carik sume dlm huruf F... ishhh

a four letter word:

Fana.. cth ayt.."alam yang fana ini"..hahahha (siap buat cth lagik)

a boy’s name:

Fahrin..... i loikeee,,, hehe =)

a girl’s name:
Fasha Sandha..i hate beliau..

an occupation:
Finance assitant... kerja sya juge rite now..hehe..

a colour:

Favourite colour sya la..purple.. (cmtu bole tak??) hahaha

something ur wear:
freee.... hahaha tak pakai pape..huhuhu

a food:

fun fries... not good

something found in the bathroom:
flask - hahahaha..

a place:
Fukuoka kat jepun...saya tahu, sbb selalu wat bank draf kat student yg duduk kat jepun..hehehe

a reason to being late:

Faktor cuaca huhuhu..bole?

something u shout:
flirting with my eyes - ah tibe2..

a movie title:

Fanstatic four...

something u drink:

funky water.. hahahahha... ape kebenda tu??

a musical group:

fall out boy.. sy suke group ini

an animal:

Feret - cm musang tu..

a street name:

feng shui street... mugkin ade mgkin juge tidakk..hahaha

a type of car:
ferrari, fiat funto, lagi?? ok cukup..

tag 20 blogger lain...


2. endah ajik

ala nk dua je bole???
huhuuhu...selamat mnjwb..

wahhhhhhhhhh agk lme nk memikirkan.... ini jek yg terlintas difikiran kala ini yekk..huhuhu


milo said...

haha ni ke tag nyer?? aku cuber~~ hahaha

saya fawah said...

huhu... bgus mar.. aku da lihat da blog ko... hehe